Today had been a day of not sleeping but laying still listening to white noise and not that alt band Trump loves.
My neck is stiff as a board from medications and I took my 6pm dose to realize I forgot to eat and with all the drama this weekend and Monday I’ve yet to make it to the store. So Mac & Cheese at midnight it will be. Was mad at the postal service this AM because my packages arriving at both mail drops didn’t show up as out for delivery until they delivered. So I was thinking Patrick’s present was lost in Dallas. My carrier got it to me today!
May start a gofundme account for bills. You would be so proud of me I’ve only splurged on 2 things since being fired. It’s the darn electric bill which is lower because I’m only using a few fans and my phones. I never leave the cave since there’s no TV unboxed in the house. A big 52″ one I hope to get gone because that $ has to cover my surgery on Friday morning (got a ride).
Ok enough rambling, worried about 2 friends that are off the grid but I can’t say I’ve been on it much. The leap year thing last year has my emotions a day early and I just want to get past these next 2 anniversaries.
Please leave a comment so I know people are even reading or I’ll give up. Except Jen, her IP checks this page even when she hates me. Which I think someone does but I’m afraid to ask.
Ok, sleep.. Ready set.. Be safe kids