Today’s post is about those whom I love as family even if not. Cassie is my sister regardless what DNA or rules of law says. I love he and Jocelyn and would lay my life down for them as the others. Steve, even if you use my gun to shoot yourself and have accumulated more ex wives than me you will still be a distant brother. When it comes to the last 15 years my work wife had been Diqua and her daughter Tata. Diqua has been there most every moving at 3 with a hug good morning to remind me I’m loved. I’ve spent several times with her and her daughter outside work having fun or going to weddings. Someone who rose up quickly in my life just started a branch of her own. Stacia was out intern for several years and scared the shit out of me because she’s like a magnet. You show once and she qualified to teach everyone. She is a sponge and has never hurt me and been a critical advocate when I’m not there. I don’t have to brag on her because a normal college student doesn’t graduate college and walk into a 5 day a week on air gig in a top 60 market. Stacia joins Alan as the two who could keep my secrets. Alan joined my 11 years ago and when he started it was a very interesting time. Alan had been chief at his old station and done everything for himself and like me self reliant. We finally bonded and when he forgot something or had an idea I was already on it and when I had a long rough patch in my life this man is the reason I was able to keep my job. He worked tirelessly to make things happen and he was just as a sponge(without germs) as Stacia on learning new things. If there was an issue he would follow me and watch over my shoulder to see how I troubleshoot and fix said issue. These 2 ended up being my team for a year before I was elemenated. Stacia will move on and if Alan doesn’t get a Chief spot somewhere soon I’ll be amazed. These 2 work in tandem. There are a few I’ve left out for later posts so don’t get your jock strap in a wad yet :). This family is why there is no light at the end of the tunnel because they’re not holding candles at the other end. A shout out to my home girl Julie Chin as for 7 years we were in twitter or texting every morning talking about national stories or the forecast data being wonky. I spent 6 months comparing Julie’s forecasts to Alan’s and they 96% of the time we’re identical on the first 3 days and very slow decline in averages after. Julie you have been a super friend… Some may read this as a goodbye but it is in a way because I never got to say goodbye. I was escorted out of the building. So long for now.