Monday, July 26, the 207th day of 2010. There are 158 days left in the year.
Today I sent a note to web girl advising her that I’m going to be to busy to date while I’m doing the integration with our new systems and I’m not going to be able to give adequate time to anyone I’m dating. In other words I’m putting work in 2nd place and moving relationships into the 4 or 5th slot. The girl was sweet which also makes me want to move her along because she had a interesting side. I had a busy day today. Left work and headed to the orthodontist for an emergency apt to fix a poking wire. I then ran to Fox23 to drop of Katy some Emmy nominations. I went to see a movie called “Knight & Day” and it was terrible and I want my $4 back. I did something I’ve not done recently and got a pretzel from the concession stand. I’ve done 12 movies in a few weeks. I think I’m going to hold off on watching anymore until Friday where I’ll so see the Charlie St. Cloud movie. I got home from the movie and watched about 4 episodes of HawthoRNe. I spent about 45 min showering and flossing my damn teeth take 30min themselves.