Hi! I’m on vacation and blog it seems is included. =) I’ll update if anything fun happenes
Welcome to my world
Hi! I’m on vacation and blog it seems is included. =) I’ll update if anything fun happenes
So I fell asleep lastnight and skipped my nightly lunesta dose. I woke up and 10p and thought maybe I should take it and went back to sleep. 11pm I wake up and think damn its to late to take it now and laid there for a bit then fell asleep. I woke up and 12:20 and I was up until about 1a then fell asleep what seemed like minutes before my alarm tried to wake me up. I got up and swung by Burger King for some breakfast and headed to work only to find that they are ripping out more bridges on the IDL and have 244 and the NW corner closed to all traffic and diverted to northbound 75. So I had to drive north for 5 miles to do an illegal u-turn to get back on 75 heading south just to get into downtown. UGH added 10 min to my drive into work.
(If you are outside Tulsa the IDL is a circle of highways that they call the inner dispersal loop that circles downtown and connects 4 major highways. Since we got a buttload of stimulus money they are completely redoing the entire loop. They did the clockwise that took 13 months. Now they are doing counter-clockwise just to say its messed up. They are removing bridges over they highway or well stipping them the the steel beams so they close the underpasses at night and some during the day.)
So the day started off better than Monday ended. Work was busy and I was behind most of the morning. I got out of work around 10 and went home and read the online version of the Tulsa World, USA Today, Wall Street Journal and New York Times. Needless to say I went from 100mph to a crawl. I was reading a book on the iPad of course and eating a piece of toast. Well on my braces there are 3 little hooks on the sides that are for elastics (rubber bands) later on in my treatment and they are rounded so they are not sharp nor did I have any rubbing or problems until today. I was using my tongue to clear out some bread that I felt in my back brackets (normal thing now) and I got the top of my tongue STUCK on a hook. Now mind you I couldn’t see in a mirror how it was hooked and I was in pain. Imagine me with both hands in my mouth trying to figure out just how the hell to get it unhooked. I spent about 4 minutes in agony and couldn’t really call anyone from help because I couldn’t talk. I had thoughts of going to the emergency room or my orthodontist but was able to un-hook with a little wiggling. I ripped a little chunk of the top side of my tongue and it burned. Needless to say anbesol was my friend and numbed me right up. I thought it was funny and wish I had recorded it on the flip just to document how funny it was looking back but scary while it was happening. I spent the rest of the day chilling and reading a book called “How did you get this number” and was in bed asleep by 6 HOWEVER I fell asleep reading so I didn’t take any sleep meds.
So today is Monday and I was welcomed into this day at 1:20ish. I aparently dropped where I was laying and still had my socks on (I NEVER sleep with socks because it freaks me out). I woke up early enough to run by walmart on the way in and buy a new floor fan because I knocked the other 1 over and it went into a few chunks. I also picked up a few things I needed then stopped by Burger King on my way in for a Burger and fries. Needless to say there was no dressings on the burger just meat and bread.. YUCK I can’t eat a hamburger dry and the fries were stale. What a way to start a morning. I got to work and continued booting up some of the PC’s I had forgotten about or just didn’t care about last night and fixed a few bugs here and there and of course got my shows ready. I tried to get out of there as soon as I could but didn’t make it out before I got roped into fixing something else.. Thing learned today was I can use my wireless mac keyboard that came with my iMac and use it on the iPad. now I just need to get a mouse to sync up and I’d be a happy man. Will update more if I feel like it.
So I had started my weekend slowdown I do on Sundays which means me hitting the bed earlier than normal. I roll over to catch the news so I won’t be clueless when I walk in to work. I turn on the TV and see black I change to CW and see black.. THIS IS NOT GOOD. I call into Master Control and get a fast busy that only means our switch is down. Sooo I start getting dressed and dialing everyones cellphones that would be in the station to get the “uh yea we have no power” as I’m already doing 80 on the IDL. I get there and everyone is just sitting around in the dark chatting. I’m freaking out because I’ve done this one to many times with power outages and seen way to many PC’s toasted from the surge when it comes back. I got all of my critical stuff offline so when the power returned or surged I’d not lose anything. After about an hour of walking around a newsroom and the cave thats already darn as in my office area. We got juice then the fun started getting 32 computers up/logged in and in the right order. Everything in my office has a method to the maddness and has to be started in order or well the shit just doesn’t work. I got everything up and running by 6:30 and headed home and straight to bed. In fact I still had my socks on when I woke up at 1:20am.
Ok.. 1st off I woke up way to early 6am. I promised like 4 people I would attend this church called Foundations Church thats held at a local high school. I was un-easy about going because I don’t have control of the situation but I stuck it out and went. I got there w/Bible and notice no one brings theirs. I was almost over dressed and I was wearing jeans and a polo. I only knew 1 person that was there previously and I saw her there. Get this the sermon was titled “iPods and vomit” The pastor was young and seemed to be very animated. I was not impressed with their praise and worship.. It was to loud and the auditorium was so big and everyone scatted all over the place you couldn’t tell if anyone was singing and they sometimes had the words up for the songs and other times they didn’t I dunno I have been to several churched and this might just be a start-up but I was not impressed. I pocket dialed John on accident during service and had a 2 missed calls from work so after service I called to no answer so I dropped by to make sure everything was up to snuff on my way home. I stopped in and rebooted some stuff and made sure everything was up to snuff and stopped into our newsroom and hung out for a bit just shooting the breeze with Paul, Dee and out weekend producer. I came home forgetting to eat so now its almost 3 and I’m starving but don’t really know what I want to eat. I’m thinking just something out of the fridge but as long as it doesn’t crawl away.
I’m getting nervous about Thursday and getting part 2 and I’m sure it will get worse before it gets better. Ugh I’ll prob update in the morning.
Oh yea on FB todays question is what name do you know me buy and how long have you known me. I can gauge how long you have known me by the name you call me. I’ll post the results sofar no one has mentioned my other radio name. They have Jerry/James/JC/Zargon all picked but sofar missing 2 names and one person thats answered should have said the other name. We shall see and I’ll explain why I asked it.
I woke up at 4am for some reason and had a bit of an issue getting back to sleep but did until 730a. I watched some tivo for a few hours and then ran out and did some shopping. I need a few new tops that I can wear as business casual and since I know noone would notice if I wore the same shirt the next week I do. I hit up Gordmans first and scored a nice black polo for $7. and then hit up Sears and couldn’t find any shirts under $10 so I stopped my the home and garden section and got me a new mower blade because I’m 100% positive that It’s never been changed since it was bought by the previous owner. I got home and installed the blade and mowed a patch and wow it was cutting the grass rather than knocking it down. I was waiting to watch the world cup soccer because I’m one of those “watch to see what everyone is talking about” kinnda fokes and the US was playing Ghana at 1. I ran to wally world to get some milk bread and looked for another shirt that I scored one for $12 and I found another one that I liked but they didn’t have it in a XL. I can wear a normal large now but I like having the extra room in case I need to tuck it in. I stopped by the K-Mart little ceasers for some crazy bread and headed home. I watched the game and moderated the game channel on IRC and that was fun.. I’ve been working on my kill stats and I defiantly got that stat up. I’ve not gone on a killing spree in years on IRC. I should not have gotten that crazy bread because when the game ended at 4pm I had to rush across town to church to the membership dinner because I’ve been going for 3 years and consider the church my church home so I decided to make it official. They served us a great meal and I’m talking not catered but even better home cooked breaded chicken breast veggies ( I didn’t eat) and some creamy sauce over bow-tie macaroni. I ate way to much and was paying for it with an upset tummy after I finished off the BIG piece of chocolate on chocolate cake. They gave us a tour of the building and I’ve never been in most of the church. I just goto where they hold services and do my worship then leave. Anyway back to my day. I was going to stay for the evening service but I started feeling queazy so I bailed and came home to veg and go straight to bed. I’ll have to catchup on the podcast because this is an interesting series. I hit the sack about 8pm.
Wow its Friday and I just realized I’ve not updated since my drug rant. I’m still pissed off about that. My Wednesday was basic and nothing memorable sticks out in my head other than its was the 1st day I’ve not needed wax on my braces. I watched soccer as the US played then The Germans in the afternoon and the big tennis match so I guess I do remember some of it along with the sauna outside while I worked in the garden.
Thursday was very calm because I felt like shit all day. I worked and had post-show (which is now once a week) and came home to lay down and slept until 3pm when I had a call with a vendor about a contract then I ate something small then went back to bed. I even feel bad because Lindsay called and I told her I’d call her after my nap and well she was at work by the time I got to call her back. I sent her a text but she never replied. I was in bed asleep by 5pm.
Friday.. I started the day fine and had a pretty much un-eventful day except I had a meeting with Nikki our backend web guru and talked thru some ideas and found out that the things I were griping about were being covered in a meeting 15min later and I was invited to sit in on the meeting. I listed to a sales pitch then I asked my questions and was pretty happy with the results with the exception of one question MY BIG one they only half ass answered it. I came home and worked around the house then proceeded to mow in 95 degree with a heat index (feels like temp) of 105 due to the high humidity. I finished and took a nice long cold shower and shaved.. BAD idea I never remember until its to late not to shave on a cold face. I cut the living dog crap out of my neck. In bed by 9pm
Overall I’ve been anti-social and I dunno why. I’ve not been going out in the afternoon or watching the boob tube. I think its because of the heat and humidity and I hate the humidity. This is why I would hate living on the coast or near the ocean unless maybe the west coast where it has a less humid solution. I’m still talking to a few ladies on this weird site but I’ve started getting selective of whom I talk to.. So much my profile now says “very selective” under the contact button. I don’t think thats a bad thing because I really don’t want these sluts that ask me to meet them or give me their # expecting me to call them. I do however have a plan for people to get my #. I’m going to give out my ring-down which I can get TXT and route the calls and limit who calls.. i.e. I can make my # appear to be disconnected or send them straight to voice mail and I can call out with this number. Now if they read or find this blog they know I don’t give my # out 😉 Altho this 1 girl off twitter I talked to was as smart ass as me and made fun of my braces.. I know I’m not that self conscious of them but it kinnda hit a nerve. I guess the fact my braces are make out of sapphire’s made her joke how she wants them for a bracelet. *shrug* whatever. I am trying to think of anything else going on other than my projects are finally on track and have just a few goals that need to be reached before 2nd week in July. I’m still booking my vacation for week after next and my $ level is not as good as I’d like to goto OKC, Dallas or KCMO so I’ll be staying home.
So I had a nice little calm post started and as of 4:30 pm I said fuck it and deleted how I was having a nice day and got some good time spent on my projects and talking to a new girls and such.
Today I found out a reality I had not planned for. It seems when work re-upped their health insurance for my plan they forgot to mention that they cut the in-network pharmacy benefits in half. I drove over to the doc’s in traffic to get a script and had to deal with hellish traffic. I drove to my small druglords errr pharmacy and went to have my scripts filled. Its typically $40 after all the insurance BS. The girl hands me my meds and calmly says thats $434.oo. I looked at her as if she just shot me. I advised her I have insurance and she walked to the pharmacist and he did some things on his computer and brought me a paper with some mumbo-jumbo on it and explained that I’ve gone over my maximum benefits and will now have to pay full price. These are simply my addhd and sleep meds. Not something I can easily do without. I asked them to double check and he did without and questions and came back to me to tell me thats the lowest price I can get unless my doctor wants to change up my prescriptions. So I had to shell out almost the price of a NEW iPad for 90 little pills. I can say when I was doing a months worth of ambien in a week it wasn’t even as expensive as this. I have to get with my Dr. this month and work out a alternate plan or I need to take my gun with me next time I fill a script. Well I don’t think work would keep a fellon so you know my answer is to talk to Dr. and see what she can do. The nice pharmacist told me of a few options and I know I can do my sleep meds on mail order but I doubt Dr. will let me do them in 90 day because of my past history. I have unlimited benefits on mail-order but I can’t do my ADDHD shit on it because its a Class C controlled drug which means its 30 day supply only and has to be local. I was putting some cash aside for a vacation this fall but it seems with that on top of my ortho I should just sign my life over to doctors and just give up. I can’t grasp how I’d have maxxed out my insurance with just 2 drugs a month for 6 months. I called HR and they advised there is nothing I can do. I guess I’m just fucked in the wallet and can kiss my vacation goodbye.
Ok thats my rant and trust me I’m sure there will be follow-up rants and at least I already have an appt. booked to see Dr. in July and its a 2month wait to get in to her otherwise.
Did I say I was talking to a girl? Yea thats about the only good thing today. I have learned that on dating websites there are about every sort of weirdo’s. Just today I had 3 messages from “ladies” giving me their cellphone and email addresses and trust me they do it enough that they even know how to get around the spiders and web crawlers like “nine one eight five five five one two one two” other than 918 555 1212. Those scare me and I’m not afraid to say that. Another “lady” asked me if I had a big cock and if I wanted to meet up for some “fun”. Ugh now if i get this shit I hate to see what the females get. I should make a profile and see but I’m not that evil or care that much. I’ve been talking to 3 or 4 girls on there but they live to far or just plain fugly looking. I’m sorry if you post a picture of yourself in a low cut dress and shortish skirt on it and your 5’5 and weigh over 200pds please PLEASE don’t message me or make me look at your profile just to vomit a little when I look at your pictures. I’m sure there is a guy for you but honeys I aint it. I’m calming down a bit but jesus I just shelled out over half my damn spending cash for 30days of meds. I think I’m due a early trip to bed this evening. And maybe my alarm will go off in the morning if now who cares.
Tags: bah, dating, FML, fool, fuck, fugly, meds, tag, this, ugly
Happy Monday I have 1 more Monday before I go on vacation Yipee! I’ve been thinking about where/what to do for vacation and I think I have it down to nothing and a little bit of nothing. I’m just burning off vacation. I wish I had a bit of extra money to go to Dallas or KCMO for a day but I’d get bored so fast that it would be a waste. I’m flighting my wire on the right side this morning.
I have both wax and silicone and I got the silicone by an act of greed. I was in the office and took one of the little things they give you of wax for travel and I thought it was wax until I needed it and low and behold its silicone. Now I don’t know how you would feel about a ball of wax on your teeth (brackets) to cover a very sharp wire that poking me. I’ve learned to LOVE silicone. Silicone sticks a bit better if you start with a dry surface. And is smooth and not porous. Wax sticks well even when wet but it gets stuck on it like salt, food, etc. Anything that can get stuck to gum can get stuck on the wax. I’ve had no problems with silicone. Its comfortable and I feel more sanitary because it doesn’t hold foreign material. I will be keeping wax for emergencies like today where my silicone came out with gum. I need another box of that stuff so I can keep it in more than 1 place. Now you know more than enough about how to prevent braces from hurting you. I hope I won’t need a ton of wax when I get my bottoms on.
This morning I did something I’ve not done in 6 months 21 days. I had doughnut holes for breakfast. I made a quick run to the shop in the 5am hour and since I’ve not been in there they still knew my name. If I was still fat and eating 3 dozen holes a morning I’l be proud they knew my name. This mornings show has been fairly quiet and I’ve been catching up on the blogs and message boards. I was supposta ( I love that word) gone to a new church yesterday but forgot. Cassie forgot to remind me as did the others that wanted me to join them. I have a members dinner next Saturday and then evening service. I am planning on attending this Foundations thing on Sunday as long as I’m reminded me I also need to figure out just where the heck its held.
I’ll update sometime today (maybe).
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