Saturday morning I woke up about 10 =) I’m digging this sleeping in stuff. I goofed off around the house and enjoying the A/C all day I only left the house to go get some food and played on a few dating sites. I hit the hay about 930.
Sunday.. I woke up and made my way to church. Cassie brought her new boyfriend to church and lunch that we had afterwards. Monday is Cassies birthday so I was planning on buying her lunch but she bought lunch before I could offer. I came home and checked to see what I might need from walmart and I proceeded to visit wally world and fight the rednecks for a few items. I wanted to stop by atwoods to get a squirrel feeder and corn cobs to keep the squirrel out of my bird feeders. I have now counted a total of “5” doves that are frequent visitors of my deck feeder. I bit the bullet and mowed the yard but had to do it in sections so if I got to hot it wouldn’t look like I half asses the yard. I was able to get the entire lot mowed. I’m thinking about getting a shed for the back yard to store some stuff including my lawn equipment. I think if I can get a storage shed I can get the garage empty then I can park in there =). I am thinking about selling my truck so I need to get it on a battery charger to make sure it will fire up.