Today is Tuesday, June 1, the 152nd day of 2010. There are 213 days left in the year.
This morning was a slow morning in both aspects of news and time. I got off work and am writing this section from a Pep Boys car repair lobby. I’m getting moms brakes fixed and getting her oil changed. I’m hoping this will be a quick process since I got it straight in with noone in front of me. This morning I noticed I have a loose tooth on my left upper canine it feels weird. I know its normal with braces but I keep wiggling it 😉 There is a older lady in the waiting room with me shes watching me on my laptop giving me dirty and un-friendly stares. I guess I could say hi or something but I really don’t give a crap about she would have to say to me. I guess I am a true asshole but I can admit it now eh? UPDATE: moms car is going to cost me $400 UGH.. The things I do for my mum. Oh the lady left now I have redneck trash and his dog.. see pic
The redneck racist fuck is saying how his dog hates “mexicans, chinks, niggers” what a day I’m having.
I wrote a rant above and if you read it and judge me then you really don’t “get me” at all.