So this year’s 2nd book ened better than one last year. Our sales teams are already waiting on the non-tech versions of ratings to be calculated but it looks like our ad rates will go up some more
Storms.. wow all thru March and April we waited and waited for a good negative tilt to give us the right mix for some nice rain to help our drought and maybe a tornado or 2. Well once we flipped the Calendar to May and the weather world was all over the “Tornado Drought” until the 19th. We took a few big hits this season so far and I’m glad to say that I should be writing “hundreds maybe a thousand killed or injured” on not just one but 2 storms. Sadly we lost 3 very good and well versed scientists to a tornado that changed its path to quick. Makes me remember my job. Keep my guys safe and be their eyes and know the nearest turn off to retreat.
Something in my rules book posted on one of my blogs says how I don’t date in storm season. It seems that this year I’ll read it as “Don’t ask anyone out” and let it mean “sure I’d like to go out. Thanks for asking”. I can say that the YOUNG lady thats been around has already been in the office when we have been on solid for hours. She has learned that nothing is ever set in stone until the moment is almost there. She has been my quick fix of my version of PTSD so far. I find it odd that when I’m not looking someone turns the tables and throws me a curve ball. I really don’t like not being in control however there is yet nothing to control.
Yesterday I vanished for a bit, saw old friends and noticed that I am getting old and hav been stuck in my ways to much to long and need to explore options out there and not to be rushed into anything. Today was church and a movie followed by work in office before coming home and doing some research.
Be safe..