So today I invited Amber to join me with Cassie and Brett at church. I picked her up and made it to church on time even tho I swore I was going to be late. Amber was quiet and kept to herself when i tried to introduce her to others she I dunno seemed shy but not shy. Needless to say church was fun and afterwards Cassie and Brett had invited us to lunch (mainly because my bday) but Amber wanted to go home. So Thats what I did took her home and got pissy once she was gone. I’ve been around her over 3 weeks and I’ve yet to get an inkling of a feeling or anything. Her friends say I’m a nerd. Thats true but to tell me that s how your friends thing is just rude. I didn’t tell her Cassie thought .. wait I didn’t ask Cassie what she thought.. ((((((( HOLD MAKING PHONE CALL)))))… “She was quiet but okay” ok thats the official comment. I made the choice to send the “I think we would be better friends than anything else” text. She replied that she agrees. End of story she is still messaging me and wanting to meet up for lunch. This time she’s buying =) I have a funeral to attend to this week my pseudo-aunt died on Sunday.
Thats my last week or so I hope you had a good christmas and a fucking awesome new year