So a ton has happened but not enough to cause an update, from work stress going thru the roof with a new look, new system and everyone being touchy. Mom had a heart stress test yesterday and said it was not very fun. They have a meeting scheduled on next Wednesday for mom to see what the plan of action is. I would bitch about everything at work thats going on but I have some amazing coworkers that have made the impossible happen over a 5 day period to destroy and re-build the weather center and re-design it from bare bones. Darin & Q busted their address and made what could be a painful situation less painful. I know they were doing an insane amount of hours. The office looks nice and they designed it to specs. I can’t help that the people that signed off on the design have problems with the final product. I can only shrug and go on. If I take it personalty then I get stressed and I’ve been enough of that recently. I’ve dropped another 5 pounds this last few weeks. I’ve just not been eating I guess. I’m still stressing about my mom and wondering if they are going to tell her she needs heart surgery right off or if they think they can control this with her medicine. Oh and get this for randomness.. I lost the cord to my new razor.. FUCK ME.. I am having to shave again with a blade and it sucks. I can’t afford to buy a new razor because I’m also having to pay mom’s bills along with mine this month since she missed a week without work and she doesn’t get sick time.
I have a get together tonight at Leon/s where I’ll see a few friends and have some drinks. I won’t stay long because I have to be back to work in the morning. My twitter friends are fun to hang out with. I’m in 2 separate groups and it would be awesome if they mixed but their personality would clash I think. One is more professional than the other