Welcome to Monday the day I normally post on when not trying drug combo’s on. Today I got into the office a few minutes before Alan so I had a chance to take all of the systems down for a reboot and have them coming back up when he got there. Work has been busy but on a whole new level of busy. I used to have free time but now I’m lucky to post on my Facebook and maybe monitor twitter. I do find it interesting that Friday night I got a post on a dating website that just so happened to notice my profile picture that was the same on twitter -vs- dating site and she said she wasn’t stalking me but thought it was funny she found me on both. I replied to her because see had a nice profile but got no reply.. O well. Other things going on I’ve been trying to tweak with some settings on a few of our maps and making subtle changes on the website to try them out. I’m a true believer that testing things out on the web makes it a ton better than a boss running across it on the air. I just hate I have a graphic I built since day 1 that has yet to be used but 99% of my others have and this 1 graphic would have been mad cool to use today. I’ve been dealing with Sprint reps and providers from other wireless companies trying to get negotiations for next spring already. I’m pondering a quick vacation trip to New Mexico over the next few weeks to see a friend that lives out there. Its been nice and windy here and all the autumn leafs are falling and collecting in the corners around my house. I need to goto WalMart and get some anti-freeze and oil for moms car to make sure it will make another winter. Her bills are starting to pile in and so far it seems her insurance is paying a large amount of the bills but just got the 3rd bill from the 1st procedure and even tho we put over 2k down there is still an amount to be paid. I’m hoping we get out of this round under 5k. I find it funny that some of the doctors that did her xrays are brothers and charge different fees thru different billing offices. I thought I was getting jipped twice and had to be corrected.
So to address my previous weeks post. Yes I’m documenting what I’m doing and yes I have read up on many combo’s and the risks involved but I also know that some combos’ allow me to sleep un-intrupted for 8 hours which is un-thinkable with prescription medication. YES I’m adding some prescriptions in the mix but if my doc would let me get back on Ambien I’d not be subjecting my liver to the daily cocktail of drugs. 90% of what I take are over the counter sleep-aids and the so-called natural remedies. The new IDGAFSAMD has been played in the mix and really I’m wondering if I need it at all in my system since I’ve not needed it since 6am on Sunday. I was thinking about other things I could be doing with my time/money and I really can’t think of anything. Church this week was pointless because Cassie bailed out on me and I really don’t have many close friends to “Hang out” with and spend time togeather with. All of my friends work different schedules or the ones that work the same ones have other friends and such they would rather be doing. I can’t say I’m a loaner but damn this holiday season is going to be a tough one. I spent a bit talking Friday night to a friend and she’s been dating this guy for almost 6 months the have established that the are just 2 ppl having fun. This is the girl I had the major crush on for the longest time before she started asking me for advice and I had to choose to lie to her and ruin things or tell her the truth and just ruin my chances of dating her or maybe my dreams of dating her. Anyway got to chill with her for a bit and it came up with presents and if they should exchange them. I think if you have been dating non-exclusivly and have crazy make out sessions that yes there should be a gift given. She doesn’t think so and I’m wishing she was mine so I could buy her a nice gift. The other 3 girls in my life are co-workers and one is nothing but drama but not in a bad way. I wish I had the drama and the problems she has. Who to hang out with? Who to call and chat with? Who needs my attention? etc. She has everything at her fingertips and just doens’t know how to use her talent. I once had a crush on her until again I entered into the friend zone and gave that up. The new girl is nice and sassy in a good way. So far shes taken my shit and tossed it back. I however don’t have a crush on this girl and I think in the end that will work out. She’s very sweet and I figure she might think I have a crush on her but I have to find a way of letting her know I can’t handle dating anyone currently.. Not unless she likes me then well things change ya know ;). For now I’ll be going to visit my druggie doctor tomorrow at 9am which means I have to skip out on a sweeps day to goto a doc. We shall she if she will buy into my wanting to go back on Ambien or some other drug thats stronger than Lunesta and I can get addicted to. OR if she will double my dose of Lunesta then I’d be a happy camper. Anyway been a while since I ranted and went off on a blog so it was due. Now you know that I secretly want a kitten for xmas and that I might be just giving away my truck to someone for a christmas gift.