How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying?
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How unhappy does one have to be before living seems worse than dying?
Yes it will be a grace if I die. To exist is pain. Life is no desire of mine anymore.
5 days after payday. Paying only bills I’m at 30.00 and the 15th I get got with 600 and 224 withdrawal that’s not there. I missed two weeks of work because my alleged suicide attempt. This is why people kill themselves. The weight and stress of waiting for the world to crash down. Want to […]
I’m out. 13 days to payday and anyone that’s helping me doesn’t get that I went a full 2 weeks without a check and in order to keep power on I had to make arrangements and pay those. I’m ready about to give up. I was going to disappear for a while but can’t even […]