If you haven’t read the book or watched 13 hours worth of Netflix. I recommend you do. This series doesn’t justify the reason but shows the results of others actions and how they impact someone. I’m not making tapes or even planning on the same ending. I am however going to make those responsible know why. Ever since Saturday I’ve not been able to eat or work. I reached out a few weeks ago to get some days off to clear my head but was told no. I was put in the worst possible position Saturday as I was forced to goto a meeting and team building. An introverts nightmare. I failed everything that day. Sunday I finished tape 7-14 and was told by someone my mom claimed as a friend “your mother would want” as they only say when they need or want. No, my mother wouldn’t want me alone in the deepest of times. You failed the both of us. This isn’t my last post.
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