Today is Sunday, March 28, the 87th day of 2010. There are 278 days left in the year.
ugh I couldn’t sleep past 5:30 this morning and had to lay around until 8ish. The things that run thru my brain amazes me on many levels. Had a dream I was dating a pop star and that I was a pro golfer. I’ve never done either in my life. We shall see if the attractive young lady is there since I’m going solo today because Cassie is sleeping in and catching the late service I’m a bit nervous. I shall see how things go. But on that note I’m off to get dressed. Updates later.
So at church they had a “Business meeting” and made for a long and boring service. I did however get to say “hi” and “have a good week” to the young lady. Always fun to get nervous but not really dign’ her as much but would be nice to meet kinda way. I need to go wash my car and spend some time doing it because its quite dirty and its not had a quality bath in quite some time with all of the winter snow and ice. The damn auto-wash places are all brushless and I need the damn brushes to clean the car the power sprayers don’t do jack for road grime.
Sunday wrap up.. wow 3 blog posts.. I must be trying a record. Today I got few things done. I’m planning my week of work ahead and trying to see whats on tap. I have a new project I have to fast-track and its going to place a few others on hold. I need to do a few orders and spend the company $. I spent some time with good conversation with that old OLD friend and it’s nice to play catch-up. I setup a new alarm program on my phone and I can’t wait to see if it works so I can stop using my iPhone/real alarm clock as primary clocks. I’m thinking 5:30 is the perfect time to goto bed tonight. Peace out..
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