Today is Friday, April 16, the 106th day of 2010. There are 259 days left in the year.
I had a minor car collision today. I met a orange traffic cone at about 70mph. Lets just say my driver side mirror glass is ummm no longer with us. I was following a car thru construction and he hit a cone thing and it hit his hood flew back and landed right where I hit it and I swerved to miss it but it seems I didn’t. Needless to say I have all the $ for the downpayment on the project and now I’m going to spend $400 on a whole new mirror assembly after they order it and paint it. I had a shitty day at work and a decent workout at the gym. I got home and thought I would try this nap thing again and I’ve now laid down for 4 hours and feel like shit. I’m going to go out with the singles group from church and eat then watch a movie with 10 almost complete strangers because I have nothing else to do with my life today. I’m really getting inpatient with the project because I’m starting to get scared and reading about to much of it online that I’m damn near talking myself out of it. If I do this, this commitment would outlast any of my marriages and most relationships I’ve had. Plan is still have surgery on Wednesday early then prep at 1pm and I’m trying to book final the next day or 1st of next week. I’d so rather have a weekend before I go back to work and can’t take off any time due to storm season. I’m savoring and eating everything I can before Wednesday. I think I’ll go on a popcorn binge tonight after mexican food. Ok random jumping of topics means its time for me to say.. TTYL I’ll update tonight or tomorrow.
staying at home and sleeping because chance of storms overnight, so no dinner, movie or fun.
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