Today is Monday, April 26, the 116th day of 2010. There are 249 days left in the year.
Happy Monday? Well sofar so-so.. I hit up McD’s on the way in for very stale chicken nuggets. I’ve gained 2 pounds and I have meetings all day. My 9am meeting went quickly and without much pain. My 2pm was cxled and now I just have a 3pm meeting. I dropped by the gym and did 5 miles on treadmill and about 15min on the elliptical. At work we are doing another “Get Fit” thing and this time it’s logging steps via a pedometer each day you do 7.5k of steps gets you closer to 2 days off. We have a very public reporting system and I find it interesting that I work out, run, jog etc and I’m lucky to hit 10k but some in our organization are claiming 17k a day even on a weekend. I’m not accusing them of cheating but damn what am I doing wrong? I’m not the only one thats noticing this either. Anywho I’m done with that rant until I see what my co-workers on my team are pulling off. And to clarify since I’ve already earned 2 days off this year I’m not allowed to take another so I’m just doing it for pure fun.
What to do while waiting for my 3pm.. Hummmm I wish I was still sleeping all the time.
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