Today is Tuesday, May 11, the 131st day of 2010. Today is part 1 of the project and 234 days left in the year.
Morning fokes. I got a whopping 5hrs of sleep since I got home about 1am. I tried my damnedest to nap yesterday but never did so now I am awake and nervous about the 9am appointment. Today is the 1st “installment” of my project that should last about 2 years and cost me an assload of money. I was planning to work until 8 then drive there but it seems being off because Mike came back in and covered my shift now I’m really nervous because I have time on my hands. Oh lastnight I came home to a non-working garage door. You have any idea how hard it is to get into a locked house without power to a garage door?.. REALLY DAMN HARD. I almost resorted to smashing out the window on my screen to get to the front door. Ever since someone kicked in the door earlier this year I’ve been only using the garage to get in since its remote and no handles or locks. Its a great plan until you lose power to the garage =). Well I have to go throw my head under a faucet and take some pain pills so I’ll tolerate the 1st installment. Oh yea forgot I’m taking my mom to cirque du soleil tonight and I’m off tomorrow morning. I’m supposta be off all day but the threat of more severe weather has me on-call regardless of my having approved time off.. I love spring in Oklahoma.
I went and took care of my “project” which you can now read about in the next post. I am a bit sore and my lips keep getting caught on them. I went and got my hair cut mega short for the summer. I normally only get this cut once a year just to get it out of my system =). I have cirque tonight with mom and I hope I’m not as sore for that. I want to enjoy the show.
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