Today is Friday, May 21, the 141st day of 2010. There are 224 days left in the year.
Friday was a non-event as I like to say the morning show was just that a show and nothing really happened. I had a meeting about some new stuff on my latest project and this is one of the biggest projects I’ve had any part in lately. I am working on a few aspects with it and as luck has it its involving working with a friend. I spent a few after the show going over plans and bouncing ideas off him. I got home and soooo wanted to take a nap I even crawled under the covers for a whopping 3min before I decided to goto the zoo. I called/sms’d my cousin to see if he wanted to go with me but he never answered so I figured he was asleep. I got to the zoo about 12:30 and as I arrived noticed a sea of yellow school busses. I’m talking 30 busses. It was insanely packed with school kids from ages of 5 to 13. I still got a bunch of photos of animals regardless of the snot nosed reasons for abortion running and screaming around me. I did 2 laps around the zoo which came up to 20k of steps. I got some good pictures and then headed back home with a quick stop at Little Ceasers to grab some bread sticks. Watched some NCIS’s and then came in and read some message boards about adults with braces and found a few answers to questions I had about now being a dental freak from flossers to tooth brushes for home/work/car and what brushes have the orthodontic heads which have a groove made for braces. I love archwired’s metal mouth message board for adults. I’ve been lucky because most have had major pain and can’t eat for a week or 2 and here 1 week and 4 days in I’m eating everything normal but just in smaller bites. I’ve now lost just as 50 pounds from the 1st of the year and have noticed that others are noticing more and more. I’ve been told I need to gain some weight now of I’ll blow away in the wind =) that makes me feel good but also makes me think of what they thought about me before. *shrug* . Hitting the sack about 9pm.
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