Today is Monday, June 7, the 158th day of 2010. There are 207 days left in the year. 23 days until part 2 of the project.
This morning I got up and glanced at the radar to notice that there is a nice MCS (Mesoscale Convective System) or a BIG cluster of t-storms moving south with gusty winds and sometime major damaging wind. I’ve been busting my ass getting graphics and my web duties compete before 7 when the storms will arrive in the metro.
The storms came and went with just some small hail and wind.. A basic Oklahoma shower. I got out of work about 11 and headed home to watch some TeeVee and play on the internet and pay bills *ugh* bills suck. I really didn’t do much today I guess I was a lazy butt. It was nice and mild and I should have gone to the zoo but the threat of rain and such kept me away. I hit the hay about 5pm
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