Hey guess what day it is? It’s Monday beoootch..
So my day started with a txt asking if I was up about midnight.. Of course I’m not up and my TXT alerts are on vibrate because my phone gets all the watches/warnings for the damn state it seems. I heard it go off but figured if it was important they will call me or call my skype (PC next to my bed rings megga loud my version of a home phone). Sooo about 1 my phone rings and I sleep thru it.. I finally wake up to the voicemail beep and call back “did I wake you?” NO I was asleep. I came in a bit early with some fries from whataburger. NOTE they sucked this morning all the small pieces. I got in and it was pouring cats and gerbils. I brought my toy to work today and thought I’d play with it when bored. I wasn’t aware that OKC was going to go ape shit and flood. By the time our shows were over I was on KW’s site moderating all the pictures being sent to them. I then had to gear up because as it always happens what hits OKC hits Tulsa. We’ve been watching water rescues and stuff all morning out of OKC and knew that there was a chance that some of this could move our way. It was but slowly deteriorating as it moved east (thank god). I had a busy noon show and really not more than a normal severe weather event and I can hold my own with a slew of chasers and phones ringing off the hook. I looked around and my precious iPad was missing. I shrugged and thought I’d left it somewhere because I’d been using it to help watch the KW chat room that was flooder with people at work. It seems a sneeky person had slipped out with it to play. I’m glad I didn’t have any porn on it or anything jeez. It was recovered with a few muffled curses. I stayed till my cross-over time (on-call shifts to another under normal situations but I’m still on-call to come back) then went home. It was pouring still and the creek next to my house was out of its banks as it gets when we get a rainstorm. I’ve seen it WAY out of its banks before and trust me this was a small amount. I got home to goof off and play on the internet and reply to a few website’s and such then watched the 5 & 6pm newscasts so I knew what I’d be dealing with in the morning. I’m fully expecting to be in ready for hell and high water around 1-2am. oh yea get this.. SOME FUCK (err shithead) drank my slim-fast I keep for times when I can’t leave the office and eat. UGH! Ok I’m going to bed before I vent I broke a record 4 pieces of floss tonight. I hate shredding floss but its only going to get worse the 1st of July. What was 3minutes is now 10minutes and I’m sure its going to double when I get part 2 on. Ok enough I’m hitting the update button and going to take a “pill”.
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