So I fell asleep lastnight and skipped my nightly lunesta dose. I woke up and 10p and thought maybe I should take it and went back to sleep. 11pm I wake up and think damn its to late to take it now and laid there for a bit then fell asleep. I woke up and 12:20 and I was up until about 1a then fell asleep what seemed like minutes before my alarm tried to wake me up. I got up and swung by Burger King for some breakfast and headed to work only to find that they are ripping out more bridges on the IDL and have 244 and the NW corner closed to all traffic and diverted to northbound 75. So I had to drive north for 5 miles to do an illegal u-turn to get back on 75 heading south just to get into downtown. UGH added 10 min to my drive into work.
(If you are outside Tulsa the IDL is a circle of highways that they call the inner dispersal loop that circles downtown and connects 4 major highways. Since we got a buttload of stimulus money they are completely redoing the entire loop. They did the clockwise that took 13 months. Now they are doing counter-clockwise just to say its messed up. They are removing bridges over they highway or well stipping them the the steel beams so they close the underpasses at night and some during the day.)
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