Greetings Friends,Today is Monday, Oct. 4, the 277th day of 2010. There are 88 days left in the year
Has a fun weekend but an interesting one. Friday I went to see the movie “The Social Network” it was a pretty good flick. I came home and did some reading and server work but I came home to my MBP (MacBook Pro) making a horrid noise. It seems I have a fan going out and causing it to sound like a cat with its tail stuck in a fan. Saturday I walked in a AIDS walk and helped them raise money for local groups. I was supposta goto the fair with Leah and I sorrta did. We got to the fair and walked around for 20min before some old lady in front of me stopped in her little hover-round and caused me to trip. I made the comment I hated old people and the lady was offended and told me I’ll be old someday where I replied I’ll be dead long before her. Well this exchange included me telling her to F off and this offended Leah as it should have and I took her home. I came back to town and took mom to dinner then I went back to the fair and roamed around. For Sunday I went to church to beg for forgiveness. I went shopping after church and washed my car at the car wash (wow go figure) and then home to watch some NASCAR which was depressing because there were hardly any wrecks. I then turned to football and rested the rest of the day. I pondered going and buying a new macbbook and stopped myself before I did because even tho I have the cash on hand to do it I don’t want to spend a few thousand dollars when fixing mine might be a lot less. So I have an appointment today to have them look at my MBP. I’m expecting them to keep it for a few days I am going to get the HD replaced and maybe some more memory added. I figure I might want to get it upgraded if it will stay together. Otherwise I had a un-productive weekend.
Well theres my Monday update. Oh yea the “Ouch” is because I have 2 sores in my mouth from braces and they hurt like hell. I’ve got 2 big chunks of wax in my mouth to stop the irritation but it still is sore. Anyway theres the explanation of the topic.
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