So today work was not as stressful but it still has a level of more to do than less to do. I had a major software glitch cause me to pull my hair out for a few hours and after I got home this evening found the patch for it. I’m not about to goto work to install all the patches. I enjoyed a movie today with a co-worker we went to go see morning glory which is about a morning tv show. Kinnda funny It will tank at the box office because most everyone won’t get it. But the highlight of the day was getting to know the new girl from work. I am the shy one and rarely talk/associate/deal with new people until they pass their 90day period. I’m a bit rude that way i guess but this girl seems down to earth and she takes my sarcasm and throws it right back at me. 1st off this wasn’t a date and I admit I think shes cool but there are hurdles that would need to be jumped before I even thought about her in a dating fashion. The convos went from my ex-wifes to her family and travels it was pretty much a no holds barred chat time between the transit to the movie and during the previews and on the way home even tho I was paying more attention to the roads because it was pouring rain and the roads were slick as shit. I have a birthday party tomorrow night where I’ll see my 2 fav girls and the 2 crushes I’ve had at one time or another. I think Steph (girl from today) will make an appearance and if I try to swing it I might take her w/me to give me a out if I need to leave etc.. I went to this girls BD party last year and it was fun and I had a few shots and that was about it. She’s had a major bad year since and I know it would hurt her feelings if I didn’t go. I know if I don’t that at least 2 others won’t go because they run the same rules I do if I don’t know more than 4 ppl at an event I won’t attend. Today it rained and rained I swear my bird feeders are full of water and I was welcomed home by a kitty needing attention. I’d post more but I really don’t have anything important to talk about I’m going to pop another I IDGASAD pill and attempt to goto bed. I know its not a school night however I’ve been going solid since 2am. Yea a whopping 20min early thanks to another co-worker txt messaging me asking if I’d stop and buy her a monster energy drink on my way in. I did see doughnut shop girl again today I really should flirt with her but I’m not that big of a flirt and if I even got a good reaction I’d never know it. I’m oblivious to those things. Off to pop some pills.. God one of these days I’m going to OD and realize just how many chemicals I put in my body that are legal. I should never read the warning labels on my meds because I don’t have seizures but I’m on like 4 seizure meds. Of course they have non-seizure uses but its kinnda scarry if I ever stop cold turkey what might happen. PS.. Took a single set back from the hole today after spitting in it to see if I could hear it plop.. Still no end in sight
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