So today I saw the movie Tangled since its the last week for it in the theaters and I’m glad I went to see it.
Hows life been treating me?
I’ve been breathing and had the recent realization that I really need to get a few things out of the way like the oral surgery that I’ve yet to book and my orthodontist has said if I get the implant I’ll be out of braces when its time to do the crown.. i.e. Merry Christmas if I do it soon. Once I’m done with braces I’m going to add more money to downsize my debit and if my current living situation doesn’t change gaining a apartment somewhere and starting over. I have the basics of an apartment but I kinnda want to start over;
Are you sleeping?
I’m glad you asked that because my Doctor changed me up again and now I’m sleeping 14hrs a day and shaking like I am having mini seizures. We had communion at church Sunday and I had to use both hands to hold it and let Cassie take one for me. Everyone has noticed I’m shaking. It sucks to type on my phone or on a keyboard. I can’t write on paper or fill out paperwork. I know the drug thats doing it but it stays in your bloodstream for weeks and I’ve been taking myself without doctors approval off of the drug but doing it slowly so I’ve noticed since I started the downgrade the shaking has slowed down but nowhere near stopped. The drug I’m coming off magnifies the effect of drug #2. So now I’m worried #2 isn’t going to keep me sleeping. If I take full doses of both I’m out 14hrs EASY. Thats what the doctor wants is 8-10 hours of sleep a night. I can’t do that with severe weather season about to start and leave at 6pm in the middle of an event because I have to sleep. I don’t do that shit. I stay and finish my job so I’ll fark with the drugs and make them work for me because my doctor has already said she’s tried every combination of old and new drugs. So I’m sleeping.. yes.. a lot.. to much.
In your previous posts you have mentioned some females.
Have I? I always pick the wrong ones so when will I know if I find a right one? I had this convo Sunday at lunch that its been 5 years since I’ve been out on a true date. I’ve been out with girls but never a real honest to god date. I don’t think I’d know how to handle myself. I need to bribe a girl to goto Borders (are they still in business?) and buy Dateing for dummies.I see a couple I know at church he puts his arms (possession) around her and when they pray she runs her hands over his face as he strokes her hair. THIS is what I wish I knew how to do. I currently have 3 females I’m talking to. 1 of them is purely a dream and will never happen but I like to keep her in the count. I have 1 that I’ve been out with a few times both dates and non-dates and she graduates tomorrow and unless she gets a job she’s leaving town for good. The other is a troubled weave and oh so un-healthy for me that that fact alone makes me wonder. I’ve never met this person face2face and only spoken to via voice twice. However From over 2k of txt messages I know most of her past her current and yet I don’t know what she wants.. I’ve never asked.. I just realized that I’ve never asked her what she wants because I know I can’t offer her what she’s going to want. If this un-healthy one is it I’d be an instant dad and that scares the shit out of me on so many levels and not just 1 child but 3.
Whatever happened to the girl from church?
I found her on facebook because she’s friends with two of the pastors I’m friends with. I was a good boy and didn’t stalk her until after I had communication. I dropped her a nice hello note on Facebook nothing like “I wanna do you” more of a “Looking to meet new people etc” and she invited me to join her and her BOYFRIEND up front. So after I know she’s unavailable I did some digging and found a recent divorce and I already knew she had 2 kids (yellow sticker on jeans) but a quick google got her linkdn profile and she’s a smart cookie and has a good job.
So now you know what happened to her. I’ll still put myself in her way if I can but I’m not going to stalk her or treat her any more different than I would the random female that sits in front of us sometimes.
What did you do for valentines day?
Funny you ask that because I wrecked my car in the afternoon. Car in front slammed brakes went right I slammed went left and to my left was 3 things. (a) Sand leftover for the blizzard (b) mound of snow shoved off to the side (c) a round pipe holding a >> sign on it. I hit the sand and pulled out of the skid but was already sliding to my right I pulled left over corrected and hit the snow pile and came to rest totally clipping a pole off because it fell against the back of my car. I was unhurt and the car was dented up pretty good but drivable. I called 911 to see if I needed a police report and they said no and I asked about the pole and they didn’t seem interested after hearing I’m not hurt. I then called Mom to let her know (dunno why but moms always the call list) then my State Farm Agent who talked me to the body shop and had me in a rental car from hell in just about an hour from 1st impact to rental. The rental had power NOTHING except steering and would shake like crazy over 80mph. Needless to say 11 days later my car is back in my hands.
Anything else happening?
I think thats enough of my thoughts for today other than I’ve been on my movie streak again and saw Tangled a Disney flick.. Great movie left you with a warm heart and a good sense. I think every person thats in the dumps should be forced to watch this movie.
Ahhh Oh yea the android -vs-iPhone
US Cellular
1. I didn’t have to buy the android
2. I get 10% discount with android
3. Unlimited EVERYTHING 109.99
1. I have to pay 499. for iPhone
2. I get a 3% discount
3. 89 for voice, 20 for data 10 for txt
I stayed with US Cellular and how it works out I can upgrade my phone in 6 months and if I break it I get a new one. My contract I took over from work so I’m only under contract for a year and a month. Much better than 2 years locked.
Thanks for reading and I’ll try to keep at least some updates. Expl when the oral surgery finally gets done.
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