Well on December 31st I had little planned since Cassie and Brett #2 were going to Arkansas for the weekend. I went to church and planned on going home to change before attending one of the NYE events I had tickets to in downtown. I got back home about 8 and got online and that’s where the trouble started. Like most people I was on twitter and facebook wishing everyone a happy new year as the timezones crossed.
So now the back story.. I moved into the house I currently live when I was 6 years old. Granted I’ve moved several times in a few states but between my mother and I we have figured a way to keep it occupied and always someplace to land if needed. Next door is a cute older couple that have roughly 6 grandchildren that over the course of the years we all grew up together each weekend rather it be rapping on a local tv station or countless times a moped made circles in our hood. We would spend late nites running all over the neighborhood and days playing on CB radios. Of the 3 closest we would rule the end of the block. I spent many days teasing or throwing rocks in the direction of the girls just because well I was young and thats what I did. One of the girls always got the receiving end of my “mean streaks” and harassment because well that’s how you tell a girl you like her.. right? Skip ahead about 10 years and everyone was driving their own cars and the every weekend visits dwindled to monthly or when I was gone to Texas, OKC or wherever. When I was 16 I asked 1 of the girls to a date of sorts and it ended up being me meeting her at work for a lunch break at the nearest Subway. After that day things get fuzzy. This girl was having a rough life as a teenage mother of an adorable daughter and didn’t need me in the mix. I honestly can’t remember the exact reason or time when contact was lost. I have seen the kids that I grew up with bringing their children over and now the grandkids ruled the roost next door.
In July of 2010 I ran across someone on Facebook and sent a friend request that was accepted however for over 10 months not a word was said between us. No commenting on pictures, telling her happy birthday.. nadda. I can honestly say that I had no clue about her other than she now had kids and lived in Broken Arrow. I never facebook stalked her so I was well unaware of many things. In September of 2011 facebook did a update that allows you to see when your friends post or what songs their listening to etc. I started noticing that my friend would be posting inspirational stuff which my always wacky and crazy status’s I’m sure that scares most off. Anyway I started commenting and giving thumbs up on her post and I’d notice once in a while she would like one of my posts. I’d say it was around October that I noticed her marital status had changed but no one was talking about it on her book and I was not in the position to ask her. The rest of the fall and into winter we would trade off comments or posts.
So around December 29th we started chatting about stupid stuff and playing cautch-up on things like where she worked, what previous jobs and school etc.. BORING stuff..December 30th we got to the deep topic of coffee -vs- diet pepsi and how we both didn’t like beer. So NYE I was just running down the list of people online and ran across her and figured I’d say hi and see what she was up to and if she had any crazy plans for NYE.. We typed back and forth until about 2am. I had to be up the next morning to have breakfast with mom then Cassie was coming home to take me to dinner and a movie. I woke up about noon on my bday and was nowhere near hungry so I had to blow off my idea of breakfast with mom but I was saving my stomach for some steak and fries 🙂
Well as the day all of my friends came out of the woodworks and sending txt or posting on FB or twitter I swear I maxed out all methods of texting and FB chat. I had the day planned out but all plans went to hell and Cassie ended up staying in AR so mom made me spaghetti and I kept chatting away with everyone. Sunday night it had mostly slowed down and Cassie an I re-arranged our Monday so we could do a movie and lunch. I think my final message to my friend was around 10pm. Well over the next few days we have been trying to figure out what the other didn’t know.
Sometime during my vacation Dec 20 – Jan 4 I realized that my fascination with redheads may have been a long time in the making before Maria whom I modeled as the perfect woman for me. I took I think 8 things about her that I wanted in a mate. In no certain order.. Ginger or Redhead, over 5’3 under 6′, under 160pds, no kids living at home, C cup or below, Green or hazel eyes, have the attitude common with redheads. Long or short I wanted Maria back but that train had already left the station. Over the last 10 years since Maria, I’ve realized I’m not trying to replace her and after spending time with her talking about her 4 kids and loving husband. I’ve realized my expectations were set way to high and I should change them. If you have been a reader of this random accounts of my life you will know that last labor day I made a big change and as of December 1 I reactivated my online dating sites etc. Sometime the week of Jan 1st I realized that someone with 90% of those traits was talking to me in chat. The rest all I can say is that I’m going to enjoy chatting with my old friend again.
Hope you have fun….
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