So work was so-so today a typical Monday of cleaning up stuff from the weekend and recovering all my paperwork from my vacation. I busted my ass at the gym today by doing over 4 miles on treadmill and 4 miles on bike. I need to get a better routine built up but I’m happy with what I have now. Burning more calories than I eat is my main goal with stronger legs and cardio as a nice side-effect. I got home about 11 and worked on some server and website tool that will help me monitor and admin my sites easier and cut down the “real work”. I need to track down a few good podcasts to listen to while working out. I tried the whole books on tape (iPod) but its a pain to stop in the middle of a chapter and then have to shuttle thru it to find your spot each time. Music bores me while staring at downtown from the 16th floor. There is a view but if you stand in one spot for an hour you can tell what cars are there everyday and when FedEx delivers to City Hall. I’ve been researching braces more since it seems I’ll be getting them soon and finding funny tid-bits like
“French kissing when you have braces may not be hard on you, but it may be painful for your partner. Although modern braces are much smoother than they used to be, your partner can still have the tongue cut by the metal. So, avoid the aggressive kissing till after the braces come off, or at least till the two of you are comfortable enough with your braces. Ounce you’re used to the braces, you can increase the tempo.”
All I have to say is I’m sure I won’t have to worry about this one for a while. I’m off to get my food and bedtime groove on.. peace
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