Welcome to almost Fall as we are pretty much finished with 100+ days and severe weather now dependant on NW flow. I’m in hurricane mode but not even the Gulf is helping me. So Bah. I hadn’t meant to abandon my blog over the past 3 months it’s been more of I get off work ( I hardly ever blog from work) and then immediately go and spent time with someone I called AJ. She had been off for the summer and worked afternoons so it was great. I could see her early and she could do what she wanted on the evenings. We tried several little adventures and I feel we were very compatible and could see a future. Then came the FOG in the crystal ball. First off she never lied to me about her past and I she had full disclosure so there weren’t any surprises on either end. The Fog arrived when I had planned out a weekend and had her Calendar blocked out so I could execute the plan. However when I was in a meeting and had people asking me 20 things about so many projects AJ called and I took the call rather than voicemail or auto-reply. The call was brief and covered 2 topics one of which meant her choosing her friends or me. I told her to do what she needed because I was not in a position where I could discuss sensitive matters verbally. The call ended and so did my plans. I put a craigslist post up and within 15min someone emailed asking if I still had everything and they wanted it. I said yes but I wasn’t going to budge on the price. The person called me and we meet in an hour and changed my name to theirs on some reservations and I was clean and clear and didn’t lose a dime. Did I mention this was her birthday?.. Yea the florist dropped the ball and neglected to deliver my order and because she had plans and such I didn’t even know she never got anything until a week later. Anyway thats where it got foggy.. She choose friends over me. She had a ton of great qualities and bunches of personality but she lacked in the reciprocation part. I can’t write anything bad because there is no good or bad ending other than it ended.
So, Monday I got a call from a friend that my order for something had come in and I had tried to cancel it but the metal was a certain size and very difficult to cut. However a couple came in asking about a ring that I already had the elements he needed so he refunded my $ along with the design fee and this new couple were able to design and make their own memories.
Today is Thursday and goodness It’s been a week. Maybe I’ll update more later.. Oh say Hi to Goldie the Ambassador for The University of Tulsa!
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